Hello World

Let’s start simple and just generate a single set of X, A, and E tensors

With PyRosetta

import pyrosetta

import menten_gcn as mg
import menten_gcn.decorators as decs

import numpy as np

# Pick some decorators to add to your network
decorators = [ decs.StandardBBGeometry(), decs.Sequence() ]

data_maker = mg.DataMaker( decorators=decorators,
                           edge_distance_cutoff_A=10.0, # Create edges between all residues within 10 Angstroms of each other
                           max_residues=20,             # Do not include more than 20 residues total in this network
                           nbr_distance_cutoff_A=25.0 ) # Do not include any residue that is more than 25 Angstroms from the focus residue(s)


pose = pyrosetta.pose_from_pdb( "test.pdb" )
wrapped_pose = mg.RosettaPoseWrapper( pose )

#picking an arbitrary resid to be interested in
resid_of_interest = 10

X, A, E, resids = data_maker.generate_input_for_resid( wrapped_pose, resid_of_interest )

# Sanity check:
print( "X shape:", X.shape )
print( "A shape:", A.shape )
print( "E shape:", E.shape )
print( "Resids in network:", resids )

With MDTraj

import mdtraj as md

import menten_gcn as mg
import menten_gcn.decorators as decs

import numpy as np

# Pick some decorators to add to your network
decorators = [ decs.StandardBBGeometry(), decs.Sequence() ]

data_maker = mg.DataMaker( decorators=decorators,
                           edge_distance_cutoff_A=10.0, # Create edges between all residues within 10 Angstroms of each other
                           max_residues=20,             # Do not include more than 20 residues total in this network
                           nbr_distance_cutoff_A=25.0 ) # Do not include any residue that is more than 25 Angstroms from the focus residue(s)


pose = md.load_pdb( "test.pdb" )
wrapped_pose = mg.MDTrajPoseWrapper( pose )

#picking an arbitrary resid to be interested in
resid_of_interest = 10

X, A, E, resids = data_maker.generate_input_for_resid( wrapped_pose, resid_of_interest )

# Sanity check:
print( "X shape:", X.shape )
print( "A shape:", A.shape )
print( "E shape:", E.shape )
print( "Resids in network:", resids )