

The DataMaker is the main character of Menten GCN. It has the job of applying decorators to poses and organizing them as tensors.

class menten_gcn.DataMaker(decorators: List[menten_gcn.decorators.base.Decorator], edge_distance_cutoff_A: float, max_residues: int, exclude_bbdec: bool = False, nbr_distance_cutoff_A: Optional[float] = None, dtype: numpy.dtype = <class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]

The DataMaker is the user’s interface for controlling the size and composition of their graph.

  • decorators (list) – List of decorators that you want to include

  • edge_distance_cutoff_A (float) – An edge will be created between any two pairs of residues if their C-alpha atoms are within this distance (measured in Angstroms)

  • max_residues (int) – What is the maximum number of nodes a graph can have? This includes focus and neighbor nodes. If the number of focus+neighbors exceeds this number, we will leave out the neighbors that are farthest away in 3D space.

  • exclude_bbdec (bool) – Every DataMaker has a standard “bare bones” decorator that is prepended to the list of decorators you provide. Set this to false to remove it entirely.

  • nbr_distance_cutoff_A (float) – A node will be included in the graph if it is within this distance (Angstroms) of any focus node. A value of None will set this equal to edge_distance_cutoff_A

  • dtype (np.dtype) – What numpy data type should we use to represent your data?


Print a summary of the graph decorations to console. The goal of this summary is to describe every feature with enough detail to be able to be reproduced externally. This will also print any relevant citation information for individual decorators.

import menten_gcn as mg
import menten_gcn.decorators as decs

decorators=[ decs.SimpleBBGeometry(), decs.Sequence() ]
data_maker = mg.DataMaker( decorators=decorators, edge_distance_cutoff_A=10.0, max_residues=15 )

23 Node Features:
1 : 1 if the node is a focus residue, 0 otherwise
2 : Phi of the given residue, measured in radians. Spans from -pi to pi
3 : Psi of the given residue, measured in radians. Spans from -pi to pi
4 : 1 if residue is A, 0 otherwise
5 : 1 if residue is C, 0 otherwise
6 : 1 if residue is D, 0 otherwise
7 : 1 if residue is E, 0 otherwise
8 : 1 if residue is F, 0 otherwise
9 : 1 if residue is G, 0 otherwise
10 : 1 if residue is H, 0 otherwise
11 : 1 if residue is I, 0 otherwise
12 : 1 if residue is K, 0 otherwise
13 : 1 if residue is L, 0 otherwise
14 : 1 if residue is M, 0 otherwise
15 : 1 if residue is N, 0 otherwise
16 : 1 if residue is P, 0 otherwise
17 : 1 if residue is Q, 0 otherwise
18 : 1 if residue is R, 0 otherwise
19 : 1 if residue is S, 0 otherwise
20 : 1 if residue is T, 0 otherwise
21 : 1 if residue is V, 0 otherwise
22 : 1 if residue is W, 0 otherwise
23 : 1 if residue is Y, 0 otherwise

2 Edge Features:
1 : 1.0 if the two residues are polymer-bonded, 0.0 otherwise
2 : Euclidean distance between the two CB atoms of each residue, measured in Angstroms. In the case of GLY, use an estimate of ALA's CB position
get_N_F_S()Tuple[int, int, int][source]

  • N (int) – Maximum number of nodes in the graph

  • F (int) – Number of features for each node

  • S (int) – Number of features for each edge

generate_input_for_resid(wrapped_pose: menten_gcn.wrappers.WrappedPose, resid: int, data_cache: Optional[menten_gcn.data_management.DecoratorDataCache] = None, sparse: bool = False, legal_nbrs: Optional[List[int]] = None)Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, List[int]][source]

Only have 1 focus resid? Then this is sliiiiiiightly cleaner than generate_input(). It’s completely debatable if this is even worthwhile

  • wrapped_pose (WrappedPose) – Pose to generate data from

  • focus_resid (int) – Which resid is the focus residue? We use Rosetta conventions here, so the first residue is resid #1, second is #2, and so one. No skips.

  • data_cache (DecoratorDataCache) – See make_data_cache for details. It is very important that this cache was created from this pose

  • legal_nbrs (list of ints) – Which resids are allowed to be neighbors? All resids are legal if this is None


  • X (ndarray) – Node Features

  • A (ndarray) – Adjacency Matrix

  • E (ndarray) – Edge Feature

  • sparse (bool) – This setting will use sparse representations of A and E. X will still have dimension (N,F) but A will now be a scipy.sparse_matrix and E will have dimension (M,S) where M is the number of edges

  • meta (list of int) – Metadata. At the moment this is just a list of resids in the same order as they are listed in X, A, and E

generate_input(wrapped_pose: menten_gcn.wrappers.WrappedPose, focus_resids: List[int], data_cache: Optional[menten_gcn.data_management.DecoratorDataCache] = None, sparse: bool = False, legal_nbrs: Optional[List[int]] = None)Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, List[int]][source]

This is does the work of creating a graph and representing it as tensors

  • wrapped_pose (WrappedPose) – Pose to generate data from

  • focus_resids (list of ints) – Which resids are the focus residues? We use Rosetta conventions here, so the first residue is resid #1, second is #2, and so one. No skips.

  • data_cache (DecoratorDataCache) – See make_data_cache for details. It is very important that this cache was created from this pose

  • sparse (bool) – This setting will use sparse representations of A and E. X will still have dimension (N,F) but A will now be a scipy.sparse_matrix and E will have dimension (M,S) where M is the number of edges

  • legal_nbrs (list of ints) – Which resids are allowed to be neighbors? All resids are legal if this is None


  • X (ndarray) – Node Features

  • A (ndarray) – Adjacency Matrix

  • E (ndarray) – Edge Feature

  • meta (list of int) – Metadata. At the moment this is just a list of resids in the same order as they are listed in X, A, and E

generate_XAE_input_tensors(sparse: bool = False)Tuple[tensorflow.python.keras.engine.base_layer.Layer, tensorflow.python.keras.engine.base_layer.Layer, tensorflow.python.keras.engine.base_layer.Layer][source]

This is just a safe way to create the input layers for your keras model with confidence that they are the right shape


sparse (bool) – If true, returns shapes that work with Spektral’s disjoint mode. Otherwise we align with Spektral’s batch mode.


  • X_in (Layer) – Node Feature Input

  • A_in (Layer) – Adjacency Matrix Input

  • E_in (Layer) – Edge Feature Input

  • I_in (Layer) – Batch Index Input (sparse mode only)

make_data_cache(wrapped_pose: menten_gcn.wrappers.WrappedPose)menten_gcn.data_management.DecoratorDataCache[source]

Data caches save time by re-using tensors for nodes and edges you have aleady calculated. This usually gives me a 5-10x speedup but your mileage may vary.


wrapped_pose (WrappedPose) – Each pose needs a different cache. Please give us the pose that corresponds to this cache


cache (DecoratorDataCache) – A data cache that can be passed to generate_input and generate_input_for_resid.