Source code for menten_gcn.decorators.rosetta

import math

from menten_gcn.decorators.base import *
from menten_gcn.wrappers import RosettaPoseWrapper

    from pyrosetta import rosetta
    from pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring import *
except BaseException:
    rosetta = None

#from pyrosetta import rosetta
# Caller needs to call init()

# import scipy  # Jump
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

# Convention: All decorators must start with "Rosetta". This allows us to
# standardize them later while still maintaining backwards compatability

[docs]class RosettaResidueSelectorDecorator(Decorator): """ Takes a user-provided residue selctor and labels each residue with a 1 or 0 accordingly. - 1 Node Feature - 0 Edge Features Parameters --------- selector: ResidueSelector This residue selector will be applied to the Rosetta pose description: str This is the string that will label this feature in the final summary. Not technically required but highly recommended """ def __init__(self, selector, description: str): assert isinstance(selector, assert isinstance(description, str) self.selector = selector self.description = description self.unique_key = str(id(self)) + "_selection" def get_version_name(self): return "RosettaResidueSelectorDecorator" def _get_selection(self, wrapped_pose): assert isinstance(wrapped_pose, RosettaPoseWrapper) pose = wrapped_pose.pose return self.selector.apply(pose) def cache_data(self, wrapped_pose, dict_cache): if self.unique_key in dict_cache: pass #assert isinstance( dict_cache[ self.unique_key ], ) else: selection = self._get_selection(wrapped_pose) #assert isinstance( selection, ) dict_cache[self.unique_key] = selection def n_node_features(self): return 1 def calc_node_features(self, wrapped_pose, resid, dict_cache=None): if dict_cache is None: selection = self._get_selection(wrapped_pose) else: assert self.unique_key in dict_cache selection = dict_cache[self.unique_key] if selection[resid]: return [1.0] else: return [0.0] def describe_node_features(self): return [ "1.0 if the residue is selected by the residue selector, 0.0 otherwise. " + "User defined definition of the residue selector and how to reproduce it: " + self.description, ]
[docs]class RosettaResidueSelectorFromXML(RosettaResidueSelectorDecorator): """ Takes a user-provided residue selctor via XML and labels each residue with a 1 or 0 accordingly. - 1 Node Feature - 0 Edge Features Parameters --------- xml_str: str XML snippet that defines the selector res_sele_name: str The name of the selector within the snippet """ # Useful resource: def __init__(self, xml_str: str, res_sele_name: str): xml = rosetta.protocols.rosetta_scripts.XmlObjects.create_from_string(xml_str) selector = xml.get_residue_selector(res_sele_name) description = "Took the residue selector named " + res_sele_name + " from this XML: " + xml_str super(RosettaResidueSelectorFromXML, self).__init__(selector, description=description)
class RosettaHBondDecorator_v0(Decorator): def __init__(self, sfxn=None, bb_only: bool = False): self.key = "hbset" self.bb_only = bb_only if sfxn is None: #self.sfxn = rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory.get_score_function() self.sfxn = rosetta.core.scoring.get_score_function() else: self.sfxn = sfxn def get_version_name(self): return "RosettaHBondDecorator_v0" def cache_data(self, wrapped_pose, dict_cache): if self.key in dict_cache: assert isinstance(dict_cache[self.key], rosetta.core.scoring.hbonds.HBondSet) else: assert isinstance(wrapped_pose, RosettaPoseWrapper) pose = wrapped_pose.pose hbset = rosetta.core.scoring.hbonds.HBondSet(pose, False) dict_cache[self.key] = hbset def n_node_features(self): return 0 def n_edge_features(self): if self.bb_only: return 1 else: return 5 def calc_edge_features(self, wrapped_pose, resid1, resid2, dict_cache): if dict_cache is None: assert isinstance(wrapped_pose, RosettaPoseWrapper) pose = wrapped_pose.pose hbset = rosetta.core.scoring.hbonds.HBondSet(pose, False) else: assert self.key in dict_cache hbset = dict_cache.get(self.key) assert hbset is not None n_bb_bb = 0 n_bb_sc = 0 n_sc_sc = 0 n_don1 = 0 # n_don2 = n_acc1 n_acc1 = 0 # n_acc2 = n_don1 hbonds = hbset.residue_hbonds(resid1, False) for hbond in hbonds: if resid1 + resid2 == hbond.don_res() + hbond.acc_res(): res1_is_don = (resid1 == hbond.don_res()) if res1_is_don: n_don1 += 1 else: n_acc1 += 1 if hbond.acc_atm_is_backbone(): if hbond.don_hatm_is_backbone(): n_bb_bb += 1 else: n_bb_sc += 1 else: if hbond.don_hatm_is_backbone(): n_bb_sc += 1 else: n_sc_sc += 1 if self.bb_only: return [n_bb_bb], [n_bb_bb] f_12 = [n_bb_bb, n_bb_sc, n_sc_sc, n_don1, n_acc1] f_21 = [n_bb_bb, n_bb_sc, n_sc_sc, n_acc1, n_don1] return f_12, f_21 def describe_edge_features(self): alldesc = [ "Total number of backbone-backbone hbonds (symmetric)", "Total number of backbone-sidechain hbonds (symmetric)", "Total number of sidechain-sidechain hbonds (symmetric)", "Number of hbonds in which the first residue is the donor (asymmetric)", "Number of hbonds in which the first residue is the acceptor (asymmetric)", ] if self.bb_only: return [alldesc[0]] else: return alldesc class _RosettaOnebodyEnergies_v0(Decorator): def __init__(self, sfxn, individual: bool = False, score_types=None): self.sfxn = sfxn self.ind = individual if individual: if score_types is None: self.terms = sfxn.get_nonzero_weighted_scoretypes() else: self.terms = score_types def get_version_name(self): raise NotImplementedError # Child class needs to define this def n_edge_features(self): return 0 def n_node_features(self): if self.ind: return len(self.terms) else: return 1 def calc_node_features(self, wrapped_pose, resid, dict_cache=None): assert isinstance(wrapped_pose, RosettaPoseWrapper) pose = wrapped_pose.pose self.sfxn.setup_for_scoring(pose) emap = rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector() self.sfxn.eval_ci_1b(pose.residue(resid), pose, emap) self.sfxn.eval_cd_1b(pose.residue(resid), pose, emap) self.sfxn.eval_intrares_energy(pose.residue(resid), pose, emap) if self.ind: f = [] for i in self.terms: f.append(emap[i]) return f else: features = [] return features def describe_node_features(self): if self.ind: d = [] for i in self.terms: desc = str(i) + " onebody term using " + self.get_version_name() d.append(desc) return d else: desc = "Sum of all Rosetta onebody energies using " + self.get_version_name() return [desc] class _RosettaTwobodyEnergies_v0(Decorator): def __init__(self, sfxn, individual: bool = False, score_types=None): self.sfxn = sfxn self.ind = individual if individual: if score_types is None: self.terms = sfxn.get_nonzero_weighted_scoretypes() else: self.terms = score_types def get_version_name(self): raise NotImplementedError # Child class needs to define this def n_node_features(self): return 0 def n_edge_features(self): if self.ind: return len(self.terms) else: return 1 def calc_edge_features(self, wrapped_pose, resid1, resid2, dict_cache=None): assert isinstance(wrapped_pose, RosettaPoseWrapper) pose = wrapped_pose.pose self.sfxn.setup_for_scoring(pose) emap = rosetta.core.scoring.EMapVector() self.sfxn.eval_ci_2b(pose.residue(resid1), pose.residue(resid2), pose, emap) self.sfxn.eval_cd_2b(pose.residue(resid1), pose.residue(resid2), pose, emap) if self.ind: f = [] for i in self.terms: f.append(emap[i]) return f, f else: features = [] return features, features def describe_edge_features(self): if self.ind: d = [] for i in self.terms: desc = str(i) + " twobody term using " + self.get_version_name() + " (symmetric)" d.append(desc) return d else: desc = "Sum of all Rosetta twobody energies using " + self.get_version_name() + " (symmetric)" return [desc]
[docs]class RosettaJumpDecorator(Decorator): """ Measures the translational and rotational relationships between all residue pairs. This uses internal coordinate frames so it is agnostic to the global coordinate system. You can move/rotate your protein around and these will stay the same. - 0 Node Features - 6-12 Edge Features Parameters --------- use_nm: bool If true (default), measure distance in Angstroms. Otherwise use nanometers. rottype: str How do you want to represent the rotational degrees of freedom? Options are "euler" (default), "euler_sincos", "matrix", "quat", "rotvec", and "rotvec_sincos". """ def __init__(self, use_nm: bool = False, rottype: str = "euler"): assert(rottype in ["euler", "euler_sincos", "matrix", "quat", "rotvec", "rotvec_sincos"]) self.rottype = rottype self.use_nm = use_nm
[docs] def get_version_name(self): return "RosettaJumpDecorator"
[docs] def n_node_features(self): return 0
[docs] def n_edge_features(self): if self.rottype == "euler" or self.rottype == "rotvec": return 6 elif self.rottype == "quat": return 7 elif self.rottype == "euler_sincos" or self.rottype == "rotvec_sincos": return 9 elif self.rottype == "matrix": return 12 else: assert False, self.rottype
def jump_to_vec(self, jump): trans = jump.get_translation() if self.use_nm: trans /= 10.0 rot_mat = jump.get_rotation() rot = R.from_matrix(rot_mat) vec = [] vec.extend(trans) if self.rottype == "euler": rot_euler = rot.as_euler('xyz', degrees=False) vec.extend(rot_euler) elif self.rottype == "euler_sincos": rot_euler = rot.as_euler('xyz', degrees=False) for i in range(0, 3): vec.append(math.sin(rot_euler[i])) vec.append(math.cos(rot_euler[i])) elif self.rottype == "rotvec": vec.extend(rot.as_rotvec()) elif self.rottype == "rotvec_sincos": rot_vec = rot.as_rotvec() for i in range(0, 3): vec.append(math.sin(rot_vec[i])) vec.append(math.cos(rot_vec[i])) elif self.rottype == "quat": vec.extend(rot.as_quat()) elif self.rottype == "matrix": for i in range(0, 3): vec.extend(rot_mat[i]) return vec
[docs] def calc_edge_features(self, wrapped_pose, resid1, resid2, dict_cache=None): assert isinstance(wrapped_pose, RosettaPoseWrapper) pose = wrapped_pose.pose stub1 = rosetta.protocols.hotspot_hashing.StubGenerator.residueStubOrientFrame(pose.residue(resid1)) stub2 = rosetta.protocols.hotspot_hashing.StubGenerator.residueStubOrientFrame(pose.residue(resid2)) jump_ij = rosetta.core.kinematics.Jump(stub1, stub2) jump_ji = rosetta.core.kinematics.Jump(stub2, stub1) f_ij = self.jump_to_vec(jump_ij) f_ji = self.jump_to_vec(jump_ji) return f_ij, f_ji
[docs] def describe_edge_features(self): if self.use_nm: d_units = "nanometers" else: d_units = "Angstroms" return ["Value #{} for the Rosetta jump. Distances are measured in {}".format(i, d_units) for i in range(0, self.n_edge_features())]
[docs]class RosettaHBondDecorator(RosettaHBondDecorator_v0): """ Takes a user-provided residue selctor via XML and labels each residue with a 1 or 0 accordingly. - 0 Node Features - 1-5 Edge Features (depending on bb_only) Parameters --------- sfxn: ScoreFunction Score function used to calculate hbonds. We will use Rosetta's default if this is None bb_only: bool Only consider backbone-backbone hbonds. Reduces the number of features from 5 down to 1 """ pass
[docs]class Rosetta_Ref2015_OneBodyEneriges(_RosettaOnebodyEnergies_v0): """ Label each node with its Rosetta one-body energy - 1 - 20-ish Node Features - 0 Edge Features Parameters --------- individual: bool If true, list the score for each term individually. Otherwise sum them all into one value. score_types: list of ScoreTypes Only use these score types. None (default) includes all default types. Note - this only applies if individual == True """ def __init__(self, individual: bool = False, score_types=None): sfxn = rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory.create_score_function("ref2015.wts") _RosettaOnebodyEnergies_v0.__init__(self, sfxn=sfxn, individual=individual, score_types=score_types)
[docs] def get_version_name(self): return "Rosetta_Ref2015_OneBodyEneriges"
[docs]class Rosetta_Ref2015_TwoBodyEneriges(_RosettaTwobodyEnergies_v0): """ Label each edge with its Rosetta two-body energy - 0 Node Features - 1 - 20-ish Edge Features Parameters --------- individual: bool If true, list the score for each term individually. Otherwise sum them all into one value. score_types: list of ScoreTypes Only use these score types. None (default) includes all default types. Note - this only applies if individual == True """ def __init__(self, individual: bool = False, score_types=None): sfxn = rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory.create_score_function("ref2015.wts") _RosettaTwobodyEnergies_v0.__init__(self, sfxn=sfxn, individual=individual, score_types=score_types)
[docs] def get_version_name(self): return "Rosetta_Ref2015_TwoBodyEneriges"
[docs]class Ref2015Decorator(CombinedDecorator): """ Meta-decorator that combines Rosetta_Ref2015_OneBodyEneriges and Rosetta_Ref2015_TwoBodyEneriges - 1 - 20-ish Node Features - 1 - 20-ish Edge Features Parameters --------- individual: bool If true, list the score for each term individually. Otherwise sum them all into one value. score_types: list of ScoreTypes Only use these score types. None (default) includes all default types. Note - this only applies if individual == True """ def __init__(self, individual: bool = False, score_types=None): decorators = [Rosetta_Ref2015_OneBodyEneriges(individual=individual, score_types=score_types), Rosetta_Ref2015_TwoBodyEneriges(individual=individual, score_types=score_types)] CombinedDecorator.__init__(self, decorators)
[docs] def get_version_name(self): return "Ref2015Decorator"
class AbbreviatedRef2015Decorator_v0(CombinedDecorator): """ Meta-decorator that attempts to cut down on the feature counts by only using some score types. We try to eliminate one-body types from the edges and two-body types from the nodes but be warned that this is all done by hand. - 15 Node Features - 10 Edge Features """ def __init__(self): onebody_types = [fa_atr, fa_rep, fa_sol, fa_intra_rep, fa_intra_sol_xover4, lk_ball_wtd, fa_elec, pro_close, hbond_bb_sc, omega, fa_dun, p_aa_pp, yhh_planarity, ref, rama_prepro] twobody_types = [fa_atr, fa_rep, fa_sol, lk_ball_wtd, fa_elec, hbond_sr_bb, hbond_lr_bb, hbond_bb_sc, hbond_sc, dslf_fa13] decorators = [Rosetta_Ref2015_OneBodyEneriges(individual=True, score_types=onebody_types), Rosetta_Ref2015_TwoBodyEneriges(individual=True, score_types=twobody_types)] CombinedDecorator.__init__(self, decorators) def get_version_name(self): return "AbbreviatedRef2015Decorator_v0"