Source code for menten_gcn.playground.nbody_convs

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import *
#from spektral.layers import *

from menten_gcn.util import *

from typing import Tuple

def make_NENE(X: Layer, E: Layer) -> Layer:
    assert len(X.shape) == 3
    assert len(E.shape) == 4

    Xi_shape = [X.shape[1], 1, X.shape[2]]
    Xj_shape = [1, X.shape[1], X.shape[2]]

    Xi = Reshape(Xi_shape, input_shape=X.shape)(X)
    Xj = Reshape(Xj_shape, input_shape=X.shape)(X)

    Xi = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xi, rep=X.shape[1], axis=2)
    Xj = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xj, rep=X.shape[1], axis=1)

    # C1: shape=(None,N,N,S+2F)
    # C2: shape=(None,N,N,nfeatures)

    if E ==
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    7 8 9
    then Eprime ==
    1 4 7
    2 5 8
    3 6 9

    Eprime = tf.transpose(E, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
    return Concatenate(axis=-1)([Xi, E, Xj, Eprime])

def expand_E(E: Layer, trim_final_dim: bool = False) -> Tuple[Layer, Layer, Layer]:
    #E.shape: (None, N, N, S)
    N = E.shape[1]
    assert(N == E.shape[2])
    S = E.shape[3]
    if trim_final_dim:
        Ei_shape = [1, N, N]
        Ej_shape = [N, 1, N]
        Ek_shape = [N, N, 1]
        Ei_shape = [1, N, N, S]
        Ej_shape = [N, 1, N, S]
        Ek_shape = [N, N, 1, S]

    Ei = Reshape(Ei_shape)(E)
    Ej = Reshape(Ej_shape)(E)
    Ek = Reshape(Ek_shape)(E)

    Ei = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Ei, rep=N, axis=1)
    Ej = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Ej, rep=N, axis=2)
    Ek = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Ek, rep=N, axis=3)

    return Ei, Ej, Ek

def make_NEENEENEE(X: Layer, E: Layer) -> Tuple[Layer, Layer]:
    assert len(X.shape) == 3
    assert len(E.shape) == 4

    N = X.shape[1]
    F = X.shape[2]
    S = E.shape[3]

    Xi_shape = [N, 1, 1, F]
    Xj_shape = [1, N, 1, F]
    Xk_shape = [1, 1, N, F]

    Xi = Reshape(Xi_shape)(X)
    Xj = Reshape(Xj_shape)(X)
    Xk = Reshape(Xk_shape)(X)

    Xi = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xi, rep=N, axis=2)
    Xi = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xi, rep=N, axis=3)
    Xj = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xj, rep=N, axis=1)
    Xj = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xj, rep=N, axis=3)
    Xk = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xk, rep=N, axis=1)
    Xk = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xk, rep=N, axis=2)

    #print( Xi.shape, Xj.shape, Xk.shape )
    Ei, Ej, Ek = expand_E(E)
    Eprime = tf.transpose(E, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
    Eti, Etj, Etk = expand_E(Eprime)

    C = Concatenate(axis=-1)([Xi, Ei, Eti, Xj, Ej, Etj, Xk, Ek, Etk])
    #print( C.shape )
    target_shape = (None, N, N, N, (3 * F) + (6 * S))
    #print( target_shape )
    for i in range(1, 5):
        assert(C.shape[i] == target_shape[i])
    return C, Eprime

def make_NEENEENEE_mask(E_mask: Layer, trim_final_dim: bool = False) -> Layer:
    assert len(E_mask.shape) == 4
    Ei, Ej, Ek = expand_E(E_mask, trim_final_dim)
    return Multiply(dtype=tf.int32)([Ei, Ej, Ek])

def make_flat_NEENEENEE(X: Layer, A: Layer, E: Layer,
                        E_mask: Layer) -> Tuple[Layer, Layer]:
    assert len(X.shape) == 3
    assert len(E.shape) == 4

    flat_mask = make_NEENEENEE_mask(E_mask, True)
    flat_mask = tf.cast(flat_mask, "int32")

    N = X.shape[1]
    F = X.shape[2]

    Xi_shape = [N, 1, 1, F]
    Xj_shape = [1, N, 1, F]
    Xk_shape = [1, 1, N, F]

    Xi = Reshape(Xi_shape)(X)
    Xj = Reshape(Xj_shape)(X)
    Xk = Reshape(Xk_shape)(X)

    Xi = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xi, rep=N, axis=2)
    Xi = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xi, rep=N, axis=3)
    Xj = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xj, rep=N, axis=1)
    Xj = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xj, rep=N, axis=3)
    Xk = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xk, rep=N, axis=1)
    Xk = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xk, rep=N, axis=2)

    Xi_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Xi, flat_mask, 2)[1]
    Xj_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Xj, flat_mask, 2)[1]
    Xk_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Xk, flat_mask, 2)[1]

    #print( Xi.shape, Xj.shape, Xk.shape )
    Ei, Ej, Ek = expand_E(E)
    Eprime = tf.transpose(E, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
    Eti, Etj, Etk = expand_E(Eprime)

    Ei_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Ei, flat_mask, 2)[1]
    Eti_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Eti, flat_mask, 2)[1]
    Ej_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Ej, flat_mask, 2)[1]
    Etj_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Etj, flat_mask, 2)[1]
    Ek_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Ek, flat_mask, 2)[1]
    Etk_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Etk, flat_mask, 2)[1]

    C = Concatenate(axis=-1)([Xi_flat, Ei_flat, Eti_flat,
                              Xj_flat, Ej_flat, Etj_flat,
                              Xk_flat, Ek_flat, Etk_flat])
    return C, Eprime, flat_mask

def make_1body_conv(X: Layer, A: Layer, E: Layer,
                    Xnfeatures: int, Enfeatures: int,
                    Xactivation='relu', Eactivation='relu',
                    E_mask=None, X_mask=None) -> Tuple[Layer, Layer]:
    newX = Conv1D(filters=Xnfeatures, kernel_size=1, activation=Xactivation)(X)
    if X_mask is None:
        X_mask = make_node_mask(A)
    newX = apply_node_mask(X=newX, X_mask=X_mask)

    newE = Conv2D(filters=Enfeatures, kernel_size=1, activation=Eactivation)(E)
    if E_mask is None:
        E_mask = make_edge_mask(A)
    newE = apply_edge_mask(E=newE, E_mask=E_mask)

    return newX, newE

[docs]def make_NENE_XE_conv(X: Layer, A: Layer, E: Layer, Tnfeatures: list, Xnfeatures: int, Enfeatures: int, Xactivation='relu', Eactivation='relu', attention: bool = False, apply_T_to_E: bool = False, E_mask=None, X_mask=None) -> Tuple[Layer, Layer]: """ We find that current GCN layers undervalue the Edge tensors. Not only does this layer use them as input, it also updates the values of Edge tensors. Disclaimer: this isn't actually a layer at the moment. It's a method that hacks layers together and returns the result. Parameters --------- X: layer Node features A: layer Adjaceny matrix E: layer Edge features Tnfeatures: list of ints How large should each intermediate layer be? The length of this list determines the number of intermediate layers. Xnfeatures: int How many features do you want each node to end up with? Enfeatures: int How many features do you want each edge to end up with? Xactivation: Which activation function should be applied to the final X? Eactivation: Which activation function should be applied to the final E? attention: bool Should we apply attention weights to the sum operations? apply_T_to_E: bool Should the input to the final E conv be the Temp tensor or the initial NENE? Feel free to just use the default if that question makes no sense E_mask: layer If you already made an edge mask, feel free to pass it here to save us time. X_mask: layer If you already made a node mask, feel free to pass it here to save us time. Returns --------- - keras layer which is the new X - keras layer which is the new E """ # X: shape=(None,N,F) # A: shape=(None,N,N) # E: shape=(None,N,N,S) assert len(X.shape) == 3 assert len(A.shape) == 3 assert len(E.shape) == 4 if X_mask is None: X_mask = make_node_mask(A) if E_mask is None: E_mask = make_edge_mask(A) NENE = make_NENE(X, E) Temp = NENE if hasattr(Tnfeatures, "__len__"): assert len(Tnfeatures) > 0 for t in Tnfeatures: Temp = Conv2D(filters=t, kernel_size=1, activation=PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2]))(Temp) else: Temp = Conv2D(filters=Tnfeatures, kernel_size=1, activation=PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2]))(Temp) Temp = apply_edge_mask(E=Temp, E_mask=E_mask) if attention: Att1 = Conv2D(filters=1, kernel_size=1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att1 = Multiply()([Temp, Att1]) newX1 = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att1, axis=-2, keepdims=False) Att2 = Conv2D(filters=1, kernel_size=1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att2 = Multiply()([Temp, Att2]) newX2 = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att2, axis=-3, keepdims=False) else: newX1 = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=-2, keepdims=False) newX2 = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=-3, keepdims=False) #newX1 = PReLU(shared_axes=[1])(newX1) #newX2 = PReLU(shared_axes=[1])(newX2) superX = Concatenate(axis=-1)([X, newX1, newX2]) if apply_T_to_E: superE = Temp else: superE = NENE newX, newE = make_1body_conv(superX, A, superE, Xnfeatures, Enfeatures, Xactivation, Eactivation, E_mask, X_mask) return newX, newE
def make_flat_NENE1(X, A, E): assert len(X.shape) == 3 assert len(E.shape) == 4 Xi_shape = [X.shape[1], 1, X.shape[2]] Xj_shape = [1, X.shape[1], X.shape[2]] Xi = Reshape(Xi_shape, input_shape=X.shape)(X) Xj = Reshape(Xj_shape, input_shape=X.shape)(X) Xi = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xi, rep=X.shape[1], axis=2) Xj = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xj, rep=X.shape[1], axis=1) # C1: shape=(None,N,N,S+2F) # C2: shape=(None,N,N,nfeatures) ''' if E == 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 then Eprime == 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 ''' Eprime = tf.transpose(E, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) NENE = Concatenate(axis=-1)([Xi, E, Xj, Eprime]) NENE = make_NENE(X, E) # TODO make_flat_NENE A_int = tf.cast(A, "int32") part = tf.dynamic_partition(NENE, A_int, 2) flat_NENE = part[1] return NENE, A_int, flat_NENE def make_flat_NENE2(X, A, E): assert len(X.shape) == 3 assert len(E.shape) == 4 A_int = tf.cast(A, "int32") Xi_shape = [X.shape[1], 1, X.shape[2]] Xj_shape = [1, X.shape[1], X.shape[2]] Xi = Reshape(Xi_shape, input_shape=X.shape)(X) Xj = Reshape(Xj_shape, input_shape=X.shape)(X) Xi = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xi, rep=X.shape[1], axis=2) Xj = tf.keras.backend.repeat_elements(Xj, rep=X.shape[1], axis=1) Xi_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Xi, A_int, 2)[1] Xj_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Xj, A_int, 2)[1] Et = tf.transpose(E, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) #print( Et ) E_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(E, A_int, 2)[1] Et_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Et, A_int, 2)[1] #print( Et_flat ) flat_NENE = Concatenate(axis=-1)([Xi_flat, E_flat, Xj_flat, Et_flat]) return A_int, flat_NENE def flat2_unnamed_util(n, A_int, final_t, prefix): r = tf.range(tf.size(A_int)) r2 = tf.reshape(r, shape=[tf.shape(A_int)[0], n, n], name=prefix + "_flat2_unnamed_util_reshape") condition_indices = tf.dynamic_partition(r2, A_int, 2) s_1 = tf.shape(condition_indices[0])[0] s_2 = final_t s = [s_1, s_2] zero_padding1 = tf.zeros(shape=s) return condition_indices, zero_padding1 def flat3_unnamed_util(n, flat_mask, final_t, prefix): r = tf.range(tf.size(flat_mask)) r2 = tf.reshape(r, shape=[tf.shape(flat_mask)[0], n, n, n], name=prefix + "_flat3_unnamed_util_reshape") condition_indices = tf.dynamic_partition(r2, flat_mask, 2) s_1 = tf.shape(condition_indices[0])[0] s_2 = final_t s = [s_1, s_2] zero_padding1 = tf.zeros(shape=s) return condition_indices, zero_padding1 def flat2_unnamed_util2(A_int, n, Temp, prefix): npad1 = tf.size(A_int) * Temp.shape[-1] npad2 = tf.size(Temp) nz = npad1 - npad2 zero_padding = tf.zeros(nz, dtype=Temp.dtype) zero_padding = tf.reshape(zero_padding, [-1, Temp.shape[-1]], name=(prefix + "_flat2_unnamed_util2_reshape")) return zero_padding def flat3_unnamed_util2(flat_mask, n, Temp, prefix): npad1 = tf.size(flat_mask) * Temp.shape[-1] npad2 = tf.size(Temp) nz = npad1 - npad2 zero_padding = tf.zeros(nz, dtype=Temp.dtype) zero_padding = tf.reshape(zero_padding, [-1, Temp.shape[-1]], name=(prefix + "_flat3_unnamed_util2_reshape")) return zero_padding def flat2_deflatten(V, condition_indices, zero_padding1, A_int, n, prefix): partitioned_data = [zero_padding1, V] V = tf.dynamic_stitch(condition_indices, partitioned_data) zero_padding = flat2_unnamed_util2(A_int, n, V, prefix) V = tf.concat([V, zero_padding], -2) V = tf.reshape(V, [tf.shape(A_int)[0], n, n, V.shape[-1]], name=(prefix + "_flat2_deflatten_reshape")) return V def flat3_deflatten(V, condition_indices, zero_padding1, flat_mask, n, prefix): partitioned_data = [zero_padding1, V] V = tf.dynamic_stitch(condition_indices, partitioned_data) zero_padding = flat3_unnamed_util2(flat_mask, n, V, prefix) V = tf.concat([V, zero_padding], -2) V = tf.reshape(V, [tf.shape(flat_mask)[0], n, n, n, V.shape[-1]], name=(prefix + "_flat3_deflatten_reshape")) return V def make_flat_2body_conv(X: Layer, A: Layer, E: Layer, Tnfeatures: list, Xnfeatures: int, Enfeatures: int, Xactivation='relu', Eactivation='relu', attention: bool = False, apply_T_to_E: bool = False, E_mask=None, X_mask=None) -> Tuple[Layer, Layer]: """ We find that current GCN layers undervalue the Edge tensors. Not only does this layer use them as input, it also updates the values of Edge tensors. Disclaimer: this isn't actually a layer at the moment. It's a method that hacks layers together and returns the result. Parameters --------- X: layer Node features A: layer Adjaceny matrix E: layer Edge features Tnfeatures: list of ints How large should each intermediate layer be? The length of this list determines the number of intermediate layers. Xnfeatures: int How many features do you want each node to end up with? Enfeatures: int How many features do you want each edge to end up with? Xactivation: Which activation function should be applied to the final X? Eactivation: Which activation function should be applied to the final E? attention: bool Should we apply attention weights to the sum operations? apply_T_to_E: bool Should the input to the final E conv be the Temp tensor or the initial NENE? Feel free to just use the default if that question makes no sense E_mask: layer If you already made an edge mask, feel free to pass it here to save us time. X_mask: layer If you already made a node mask, feel free to pass it here to save us time. Returns --------- - keras layer which is the new X - keras layer which is the new E """ # X: shape=(None,N,F) # A: shape=(None,N,N) # E: shape=(None,N,N,S) assert len(X.shape) == 3 assert len(A.shape) == 3 assert len(E.shape) == 4 N = A.shape[-1] if X_mask is None: X_mask = make_node_mask(A) if E_mask is None: E_mask = make_edge_mask(A) A_int, flat_NENE = make_flat_NENE2(X, A, E) Temp = flat_NENE if hasattr(Tnfeatures, "__len__"): assert len(Tnfeatures) > 0 for t in Tnfeatures: Temp = Dense(t, activation=PReLU())(Temp) final_t = t else: Temp = Dense(Tnfeatures, activation=PReLU())(Temp) final_t = Tnfeatures n = tf.constant(N) condition_indices, zero_padding1 = flat2_unnamed_util(n, A_int, final_t, "1") Temp_final_flat = Temp if attention: Att1 = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att1 = Multiply()([Temp, Att1]) Att1 = flat2_deflatten(Att1, condition_indices, zero_padding1, A_int, n, prefix="df1") newX1 = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att1, axis=-2, keepdims=False) Att2 = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att2 = Multiply()([Temp, Att2]) Att2 = flat2_deflatten(Att2, condition_indices, zero_padding1, A_int, n, prefix="df2") newX2 = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att2, axis=-3, keepdims=False) else: Temp = flat2_deflatten(Temp, condition_indices, zero_padding1, A_int, n, prefix="df3") newX1 = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=-2, keepdims=False) newX2 = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=-3, keepdims=False) superX = Concatenate(axis=-1)([X, newX1, newX2]) if apply_T_to_E: superE = Temp_final_flat else: superE = flat_NENE newE = Dense(Enfeatures, activation=Eactivation)(superE) condition_indices, zero_padding1 = flat2_unnamed_util(n, A_int, Enfeatures, prefix="2") newE = flat2_deflatten(newE, condition_indices, zero_padding1, A_int, n, prefix="df4") dummy = E # Doesn't matter newX, _ = make_1body_conv(superX, A, dummy, Xnfeatures, Enfeatures, Xactivation, Eactivation, E_mask, X_mask) return newX, newE
[docs]def make_NEENEENEE_XE_conv(X: Layer, A: Layer, E: Layer, Tnfeatures: list, Xnfeatures: int, Enfeatures: int, Xactivation='relu', Eactivation='relu', attention: bool = False, E_mask=None, X_mask=None) -> Tuple[Layer, Layer]: """ Same idea as make_NENE_XE_conv but considers all possible 3-body interactions. Warning: this will use a ton of memory if your graph is large. Disclaimer: this isn't actually a layer at the moment. It's a method that hacks layers together and returns the result. Parameters --------- X: layer Node features A: layer Adjaceny matrix E: layer Edge features Tnfeatures: list of ints This time, you get to decide the number of middle layers. Make this list as long as you want Xnfeatures: int How many features do you want each node to end up with? Enfeatures: int How many features do you want each edge to end up with? Xactivation: Which activation function should be applied to the final X? Eactivation: Which activation function should be applied to the final E? attention: bool Should we apply attention weights to the sum operations? E_mask: layer If you already made an edge mask, feel free to pass it here to save us time. X_mask: layer If you already made a node mask, feel free to pass it here to save us time. Returns --------- - keras layer which is the new X - keras layer which is the new E """ # X: shape=(None,N,F) # A: shape=(None,N,N) # E: shape=(None,N,N,S) assert len(X.shape) == 3 assert len(A.shape) == 3 assert len(E.shape) == 4 if E_mask is None: E_mask = make_edge_mask(A) if X_mask is None: X_mask = make_node_mask(A) NEE3, Et = make_NEENEENEE(X, E) if hasattr(Tnfeatures, "__len__"): Temp = NEE3 for t in Tnfeatures: Temp = Conv3D(filters=t, kernel_size=1, activation=PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2, 3]))(Temp) else: Temp = Conv3D(filters=Tnfeatures, kernel_size=1, activation=PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2, 3]))(NEE3) mask = make_NEENEENEE_mask(E_mask) Temp = Multiply()([Temp, mask]) if attention: Att_xi = Conv3D(filters=1, kernel_size=1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_xj = Conv3D(filters=1, kernel_size=1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_xk = Conv3D(filters=1, kernel_size=1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_ei = Conv3D(filters=1, kernel_size=1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_ej = Conv3D(filters=1, kernel_size=1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_ek = Conv3D(filters=1, kernel_size=1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_xi = Multiply()([Temp, Att_xi]) Att_xj = Multiply()([Temp, Att_xj]) Att_xk = Multiply()([Temp, Att_xk]) Att_ei = Multiply()([Temp, Att_ei]) Att_ej = Multiply()([Temp, Att_ej]) Att_ek = Multiply()([Temp, Att_ek]) Xi = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_xi, axis=[-4, -3], keepdims=False) Xj = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_xj, axis=[-4, -2], keepdims=False) Xk = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_xk, axis=[-3, -2], keepdims=False) Ei = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_ei, axis=[-4], keepdims=False) Ek = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_ej, axis=[-3], keepdims=False) Ej = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_ek, axis=[-2], keepdims=False) else: Xi = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-4, -3], keepdims=False) Xj = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-4, -2], keepdims=False) Xk = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-3, -2], keepdims=False) Ei = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-4], keepdims=False) Ek = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-3], keepdims=False) Ej = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-2], keepdims=False) superX = Concatenate(axis=-1)([X, Xi, Xj, Xk]) # Activation here? Eti = tf.transpose(Ei, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) Etj = tf.transpose(Ej, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) Etk = tf.transpose(Ek, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) superE = Concatenate(axis=-1)([E, Et, Ei, Eti, Ej, Etj, Ek, Etk]) newX, newE = make_1body_conv(superX, A, superE, Xnfeatures, Enfeatures, Xactivation, Eactivation, E_mask, X_mask) return newX, newE
def make_flat_3body_conv(X: Layer, A: Layer, E: Layer, Tnfeatures: list, Xnfeatures: int, Enfeatures: int, Xactivation='relu', Eactivation='relu', attention: bool = False, E_mask=None, X_mask=None) -> Tuple[Layer, Layer]: """ Same idea as make_NENE_XE_conv but considers all possible 3-body interactions. Warning: this will use a ton of memory if your graph is large. Disclaimer: this isn't actually a layer at the moment. It's a method that hacks layers together and returns the result. Parameters --------- X: layer Node features A: layer Adjaceny matrix E: layer Edge features Tnfeatures: list of ints This time, you get to decide the number of middle layers. Make this list as long as you want Xnfeatures: int How many features do you want each node to end up with? Enfeatures: int How many features do you want each edge to end up with? Xactivation: Which activation function should be applied to the final X? Eactivation: Which activation function should be applied to the final E? attention: bool Should we apply attention weights to the sum operations? E_mask: layer If you already made an edge mask, feel free to pass it here to save us time. X_mask: layer If you already made a node mask, feel free to pass it here to save us time. Returns --------- - keras layer which is the new X - keras layer which is the new E """ # X: shape=(None,N,F) # A: shape=(None,N,N) # E: shape=(None,N,N,S) assert len(X.shape) == 3 assert len(A.shape) == 3 assert len(E.shape) == 4 if E_mask is None: E_mask = make_edge_mask(A) if X_mask is None: X_mask = make_node_mask(A) flat_NEE3, Et, flat_mask = make_flat_NEENEENEE(X, A, E, E_mask) Temp = flat_NEE3 if hasattr(Tnfeatures, "__len__"): for t in Tnfeatures: Temp = Dense(t, activation=PReLU())(Temp) final_t = t else: Temp = Dense(Tnfeatures, activation=PReLU())(Temp) final_t = Tnfeatures n = tf.constant(A.shape[-1]) condition_indices, zero_padding1 = flat3_unnamed_util(n, flat_mask, final_t, "1") if attention: Att_xi = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_xj = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_xk = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_ei = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_ej = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_ek = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(Temp) Att_xi = Multiply()([Temp, Att_xi]) Att_xj = Multiply()([Temp, Att_xj]) Att_xk = Multiply()([Temp, Att_xk]) Att_ei = Multiply()([Temp, Att_ei]) Att_ej = Multiply()([Temp, Att_ej]) Att_ek = Multiply()([Temp, Att_ek]) Att_xi = flat3_deflatten(Att_xi, condition_indices, zero_padding1, flat_mask, n, prefix="Att_xi") Att_xj = flat3_deflatten(Att_xj, condition_indices, zero_padding1, flat_mask, n, prefix="Att_xj") Att_xk = flat3_deflatten(Att_xk, condition_indices, zero_padding1, flat_mask, n, prefix="Att_xk") Att_ei = flat3_deflatten(Att_ei, condition_indices, zero_padding1, flat_mask, n, prefix="Att_ei") Att_ej = flat3_deflatten(Att_ej, condition_indices, zero_padding1, flat_mask, n, prefix="Att_ej") Att_ek = flat3_deflatten(Att_ek, condition_indices, zero_padding1, flat_mask, n, prefix="Att_ek") Xi = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_xi, axis=[-4, -3], keepdims=False) Xj = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_xj, axis=[-4, -2], keepdims=False) Xk = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_xk, axis=[-3, -2], keepdims=False) Ei = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_ei, axis=[-4], keepdims=False) Ek = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_ej, axis=[-3], keepdims=False) Ej = tf.keras.backend.sum(Att_ek, axis=[-2], keepdims=False) else: Temp = flat3_deflatten(Temp, condition_indices, zero_padding1, flat_mask, n, prefix="Att_xi") Xi = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-4, -3], keepdims=False) Xj = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-4, -2], keepdims=False) Xk = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-3, -2], keepdims=False) Ei = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-4], keepdims=False) Ek = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-3], keepdims=False) Ej = tf.keras.backend.sum(Temp, axis=[-2], keepdims=False) newE = run_NEE3_Edge_conv(E, Et, Ei, Ej, Ek, A, Enfeatures, Eactivation) superX = Concatenate(axis=-1)([X, Xi, Xj, Xk]) newX, _ = make_1body_conv(superX, A, E, Xnfeatures, Enfeatures, Xactivation, Eactivation, E_mask, X_mask) return newX, newE def run_NEE3_Edge_conv(E, Et, Ei, Ej, Ek, A, Enfeatures, Eactivation): Eti = tf.transpose(Ei, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) Etj = tf.transpose(Ej, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) Etk = tf.transpose(Ek, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) A_int = tf.cast(A, "int32") n = A_int.shape[1] E_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(E, A_int, 2)[1] Et_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Et, A_int, 2)[1] Ei_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Ei, A_int, 2)[1] Eti_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Eti, A_int, 2)[1] Ej_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Ej, A_int, 2)[1] Etj_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Etj, A_int, 2)[1] Ek_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Ek, A_int, 2)[1] Etk_flat = tf.dynamic_partition(Etk, A_int, 2)[1] flat_edges = Concatenate(axis=-1)([E_flat, Et_flat, Ei_flat, Eti_flat, Ej_flat, Etj_flat, Ek_flat, Etk_flat]) flat_edges = Dense(Enfeatures, activation=Eactivation)(flat_edges) #print( flat_edges ) #exit( 0 ) # Build back up r = tf.range(tf.size(A_int)) r2 = tf.reshape(r, shape=[tf.shape(A_int)[0], n, n], name="run_NEE3_Edge_conv") condition_indices = tf.dynamic_partition(r2, A_int, 2) s_1 = tf.shape(condition_indices[0])[0] s_2 = Enfeatures s = [s_1, s_2] zero_padding1 = tf.zeros(shape=s) partitioned_data = [zero_padding1, flat_edges] #print( condition_indices[0], zero_padding1, flat_edges ) #exit( 0 ) V = tf.dynamic_stitch(condition_indices, partitioned_data) zero_padding = flat2_unnamed_util2(A_int, n, V, "NEE3_Edge_conv") V = tf.concat([V, zero_padding], -2) V = tf.reshape(V, [tf.shape(A_int)[0], n, n, V.shape[-1]], name="run_NEE3_Edge_conv_again") return V def add_n_edges_for_node(X: Layer, A: Layer) -> Layer: #print( A.shape ) n_edges = tf.keras.backend.mean(A, axis=-1, keepdims=False) #print( n_edges.shape ) n_edges = Reshape((X.shape[1], 1))(n_edges) #print( n_edges.shape ) newX = Concatenate(axis=-1)([X, n_edges]) return newX make_2body_conv = make_NENE_XE_conv make_3body_conv = make_NEENEENEE_XE_conv